Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Looking good

Food delivery loading dock.

New work station area for our asset building programs (including adult education, literacy, and employment.) Ready for use.

Tutoring area

Adult education classroom.

An eager helper working on the freezer.

Food bank's waiting area. Where new clients await a Hopelink volunteer or staff member to assist them in the grocery store for the first time.

View from entrance, still needs some work done, but it keeps looking better and better.
Hopelink staff member, Brian showcasing Kirkland's new forklift.

A lot of food storage, ready to be eaten.

To enhance the grocery store ambiance, our newly donated shopping carts.

Our new freezer, currently being installed.

Food warehouse soon to be filled. Food is processed here and may be sent to other Hopelink sites.

The new front office reception area where clients wait to be served, or see a staff member about receiving services.

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome everyone!! Great blog Kelly & Sarah!!
